Where I Am, Where I’ll Be

Balcony View
The View From My Balcony

This is where I live now, and it is where I will be until at least the beginning of 2011. It’s a small guesthouse tucked away in a small Old Quarter alleyway, situated to the northwest of Hoan Kiem Lake and to the southeast of West Lake. Being close to still water gives me peace, so for now I’m comfortable; not just comfortable, but also happy.

The view from my 5th floor balcony is sublime and never gets old. And the view from in front of my mini-fridge? Even better.

Fridge Full of Fruit
Asian pears, dragon fruits, and mangos, all chilled to their cores. Life is good.

Author: Philip Arthur Moore

CEO at We Cobble. We build digital products for people.™

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